Equipping Program

Restoration Institute

“Where God’s Word is, there is God Himself, there God’s Spirit is at work, there God establishes His covenant, there He plants His church.” - Herman Bavinck

Applications are currently CLOSED.

Applications for 2025-2026 year will open June 2025

The Equipping Program is a one-year discipleship program that immerses participants in Scripture’s grand narrative. The program is constructed upon four pillars: Christian Story, Christian Doctrine, Christian Worldview, and Christian Formation. By weaving together these four pillars into a holistic approach to discipleship, men, and women have the opportunity to grow in their love for God, Scripture, and His mission.  The class meets once a week over a traditional academic calendar (nine months.) Class sessions consist of lecture, cohort discussion, and formation exercises.

What You Will Learn:

Christian Story

The most fundamental claim in Christian theology is that God has made Himself known in Scripture. We’ll spend a year working through major historical-redemptive events in salvation history in order to come to a greater understanding of who God is and what He has done to reconcile the world to Himself in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Christian Doctrine

All Christian belief and theology is rooted in what is revealed in Scripture. As the curriculum moves through the Bible, significant time will be spent teaching and articulating the major doctrines of the Christian faith and we will see that doctrine, insofar as it is rooted in the Christian Story, is foundational for all disciples of Jesus Christ.

Christian Worldview

We will compare how the Christian worldview is fundamentally different from any other worldview our cultural moment adopts. Additionally, we will consider how disciples of Jesus are called to live into the Christian worldview. Understanding the worldviews of today’s culture will help the believer engage with unbelievers in evangelism and apologetic endeavors.

Christian Formation

A major component of the Equipping Program is considering how Christian Story and Christian Doctrine function to shape and form us into the kind of people who live in the world according to the way of Jesus Christ. In the Equipping Program, we hope to form people into servants, worshippers, and disciple-makers who are fluent in gospel-responsive living.

Optional Program

Seminary Track

The Seminary Track of the Equipping Program provides students the ability to earn graduate-level credit at partner seminaries. The hope is to allow individuals interested in pursuing formal theological education an opportunity to work toward a degree at an accredited seminary while remaining in the context of their local church.

The Seminary Track is built upon the already-robust foundation of the Equipping Program. To this foundation is added additional reading, writing, and exam assignments commensurate with coursework at the seminary level. Students completing the Seminary Track of the Equipping Program will have had a course of study covering the following disciplines:

• Systematic Theology (I, II, III)

• Hermeneutics and Biblical Theology

• Old Testament Theology

• New Testament Theology

• Christian Ethics

Accepted applicants for traditional or seminary track will receive notification by email, including payment information.

Program Costs: Traditional Track ($250); Seminary Track (email: info@restorationtx.com)